Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mixed Blessings

A couple of weeks ago I got the results of my adrenal hormone testing. It revealed that my cortisol levels are elevated for the majority of a 24 hour period, and at the highest at midnight. This would explain why I haven't been able to sleep through the night since last August!

Last week I got my new medical protocol to balance out my adrenal hormones. I take it twice a day - between 11-1 and at 5p.m. The goal is that it helps my cortisol and other adrenal hormones balance out so my circadian rhythm returns to normal.

Balancing between the fatigue and hair breakage and the hope/excitement of letting all of this go for good. I've been walking a lot because I want to keep up with increasing the fitness levels while I'm healing and yet I'm supposed to keep cardio to "moderate" because high exercise impacts cortisol levels.

Moving forward is sometimes two steps forward one step back - I wonder sometimes how I'm going to get from here to what I envision and where I need to be for my August adventure..... I figure if I just keep moving and resting, improving the diet, and trusting I'll keep healing....then I'll get there.

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