Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pre-training: Day 2/60

Today I ended up with the familiar chronic pain I lived with for nine years ...so it was a pretty rough day. Headache, every joint hurting, pain everywhere... think flu that isn't the flu. But it also reminds me how far I've come and the path I'm on now.

Stayed home and wasn't able to walk around until around 3pm, when I went outside to get some juice into the joints. That helped enough for me to get my cardio and lower lift in this evening - with a touch of caution and care. It's always a question whether or not exercise will further trigger the inflammation response or if it will release the tension in the muscles, which makes the pain worse.

Fortunately, tonight I am mostly pain-free and fatigued - so exercise was the right choice today.

I know where this came from though - seven weeks of an intense work schedule with little or no down time and not nearly enough exercise to maintain any program of healing.

So, in the end, it's the perfect start to my pre-training because it will continue to be a dance between chronic pain person and athlete. Excited for the athlete days to outnumber the chronic pain person days!!

Tomorrow is a new day!

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