Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 5

Today is a short, quick workout day, which is great because my body is telling me it's the middle of the night! You know that sort of hazy, confused feeling when you're up at 1a.m. knowing you should be sleeping but can't? Yeah, that's what having a confused Circadian Rhythm feels like from 3-5 p.m. 

Nonetheless, I've stayed with the workout plan for this week but was not able to clean up the food intake very much. The pain and fatigue from this week added an unexpected burden. Even so, I did notice I wasn't as hungry as I usually am considering the workouts I'm doing, so that means the stress level is better! I'm sure that changing the time I leave work and workout is starting to reap the benefit of the rest I'm able to have after the workouts. 

I did send in the adrenal hormone test on Tuesday and am waiting patiently for the results! 

So, the sleepy fog feeling is lifting and I'm off to my Friday training workout! 

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